Overgrown apple tree

Shortly after we started our vegetable garden about 30 years ago we planted two apple and two pear trees. They all continued to provide good crops through to the end of last year, when we reluctantly decided we needed to remove one of the old apple trees. The other apple tree is still in reasonably good shape but the pear trees have suffered from a combination of neglect, poor pruning and serious weather damage. Last year all the pears on one were cracked and both, for the first time, had pear rust. I am still trying to find the juniper trees which I understand host the fungus over winter.

Cat in damaged plum tree

We had neglected the plum trees for years, the winds and storms had taken their toll; branches had snapped, tangled, developed callouses. For years the birds and wasps had enjoyed what fruit they had produced, and it hadn't seemed much.