Autumn raspberry canes

Early Autumn is the best time for my raspberries and this year they have been better than ever, and for once I've beaten the birds to them, so plenty to stir into my yoghurt or just enjoy fresh from the cane. The greenhouse tomato plants have finally started to succumb to the mould that has been affecting the aubergines for weeks. Fortunately they had already started to die back and most of the fruit had been harvested and eaten or processed into bottles, chutneys, jam and sauce. Despite the mould and the consequent reduction of yield we are still harvesting more aubergines than we can eat and today we processed a batch to preserve in oil. The apples and pears are delicious. Still plenty to pick and hopefully some will store until later in the year. First year of growing blueberries. Not many on the small bushes but they are plump, juicy and sweet.