Walking up the lane

The Grand Circle walk is a variation on our Woods, Lake and Feeder walk. The first half of the route is the same, but then at the far end of the Serpentine lake, rather than continuing with the lake side path we turn left and make our way up to the Greenway Bank visitors centre. We don't take the signposted route, but turn left immediately after turning at the end of the lake. We make our way past the reed beds and up the rough anti-errosion steps. The path passes through the courtyard of the visitors centre before crossing the road and continuing along the top of the ridge on the other side.

After a short drop into the woods and out again the path continues through one more field before joining the path from Bemersely Road down to the feeder.  Our walk turns down to the feeder at this point and then continues along the feeder as in our classic Woods, Lake and Feeder route.

The circular section of the route is approximately 8km and there are two car parks, one at Greenway Bank Country Park visitors' centre (4.7km into our track) and the other at Hill Top (Marshes Hill common) car park (8km).

 See photo gallery of similar route.

Distance: kilometer
Elevation (min): meter
Elevation (max): meter
Elevation (loss): meter
Elevation (gain): meter