Image: small waterfall on Head of Trent

This route could be used as a walking route, starting and finishing at the car park adjacent to Knypersley Reservoir, but we use it for an out and back running route. From the car park out along the footpath and clockwise round the Serpentine to the far end of the middle dam, then continuing on the lakeside path, still clockwise around the reservoir as far as the Wardens Tower (or, as it is commonly known, "the Castle") then left up towards the the Waterfall path. The route then heads right along to the waterfall up the steps and then down past the rocks, keeping left, completing the loop back down to the Castle, then following the returning to the car park along the reverse of the outward route.

Distance: kilometer
Elevation (min): meter
Elevation (max): meter
Elevation (loss): meter
Elevation (gain): meter